Schlagwort: shantisignl

Mural in Berlin „Collateral Crucifixion of Julian Assange“

Mural in Berlin „Collateral Crucifixion of Julian Assange“

Wandbild/Mural "Collateral Crucifixion of Assange" Berlin Kreuzberg / Good Friday / Karfreitag / 2. April...
„Collateral Crucifixion of Julian Assange“

„Collateral Crucifixion of Julian Assange“    
„Coallateral Damage“

„Coallateral Damage“

Anything that is against nature will not last in the long run." (Charles Darwin) RWE...
ShantiSignl: „Coallateral Damage“ / Drone Video

ShantiSignl: „Coallateral Damage“ / Drone Video

ShantiSignl: "Coallateral Damage" Anything that is against nature will not last in the long run." (Charles...
 „fight for your right to arty!!!“

 „fight for your right to arty!!!“

Painted to support the cologne artist community "Kolbhalle" in their fight against real estate investors....