Kategorie: Allgemein

„untie or die“

„untie or die“

“The Earth should not be a worse place after my life than it was when...
Mural in Berlin „Collateral Crucifixion of Julian Assange“

Mural in Berlin „Collateral Crucifixion of Julian Assange“

Wandbild/Mural "Collateral Crucifixion of Assange" Berlin Kreuzberg / Good Friday / Karfreitag / 2. April...
„Collateral Crucifixion of Julian Assange“

„Collateral Crucifixion of Julian Assange“

„Coallateral Damage“

„Coallateral Damage“

Anything that is against nature will not last in the long run." (Charles Darwin) RWE...
ShantiSignl: „Coallateral Damage“ / Drone Video

ShantiSignl: „Coallateral Damage“ / Drone Video

ShantiSignl: "Coallateral Damage" Anything that is against nature will not last in the long run." (Charles...
„tankman“ A.Signl from human rights

„tankman“ A.Signl from human rights

cologne / august 2012 In a cooperation with amnesty international cologne and colorrevoluion e.V. the...